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LSPELL is a TEST version of a simple but useful document speller
based on Borland International's Turbo Lightning.
Basic Use
To use LSPELL, simply prepare your document and then type (at
the DOS prompt):
LSPELL <document-name>
LSPELL will read your document line-by-line, displaying each as
it is read. Each word in the document will be compared against
the current dictionaries (RAM, disk, and auxiliary), and any
unknown words will be highlighted. For each, you will be given
the following option menu:
Select: S(kip L(earn E(dit P(honetic A(dd to dict C(ancel
Select an option by typing its first letter. The meanings of
the options are as follows:
Skip Ignore the word; leave it as it is.
Learn Learn the word. Don't add it to Lightning's
auxiliary dictionary, but remember this word while
checking the rest of this document, and don't flag
it again.
Edit Edit the word. You will be prompted for a
replacement word; you can delete the word by simply
hitting <Return>.
Phonetic Look for soundalike words in the dictionary.
See below.
Add Add the word to the auxiliary dictionary. See
Cancel Cancel the program.
Note that LSPELL which correctly account for possessives formed by
the addition of <'> or <'s> to a word already in the dictionary.
When you select the P(honetic option for an unknown word, LSPELL
will request a list of soundalike words from Turbo Lightning.
This list will be displayed on the screen, each word numbered.
To replace the misspelled word with one from the list, type its
number. If you don't want to use one of the listed words, just
hit <Return>.
Add to dictionary
When you instruct LSPELL to add a word to the auxiliary
dictionary, it will give you the following capitalization
Add option: A(s shown U(ppercase L(owercase I(nitial <Esc>
Again, select by typing the first letter of the option. The
meanings are as follows:
As shown Add the word exactly as highlighted.
Uppercase Add the word in all uppercase.
Lowercase Add the word in all lowercase.
Initial Add the word with the first letter capitalized
and all subsequent letters lowercase.
<Esc> Cancel the addition.
LSPELL first makes a backup copy of the document being checked.
This backup will be in a file with a ".@LS" extension.
The corrected document will be placed in a file with the
original name.
If you C(ancel the program, the original document will be
restored from the backup file, and the backup will be erased
(thus, all corrections are discarded).
File types
The program will work with any standard ASCII text file, and
SHOULD work with files generated by most word processors,
provided that the word processor generates files in which the
text itself is ASCII coded.
This is a test program. Do NOT use it on your only copy of an
I do not know which word processors LSPELL will or will not
like. For your safety, run some tests first. One easy test to
make is to run LSPELL on a document and select L(earn for each
unknown word. This SHOULD result in an unaltered document. To
test this, type (at the DOS prompt):
comp <original-file> <backup-file>
DOS's COMP program will tell you if the files are different.
Even if that test is successful, be sure to retain extra copies
of your documents until you are convinced that LSPELL is stable
with your word processor.
0.91 12/11/85
-- Eliminated restriction on word processor files containing
x'1A' (end of file) characters. As a result of this,
the /a option of v.0.90 becomes ineffective.
-- Added possessive trap.
-- Changed L(ocal to L(earn
0.92 12/12/85
-- Corrected problems with I/O error checking.
0.93 12/28/85
-- Added trap for input overflow.
-- Changed backup file name from .bak to @ls.
This program is hereby released "as is" to the public domain.
This means that you can use it as you wish, and make and give
away as many additional copies as you want. However, you may
not sell it. Recognized user's groups are authorized to charge
a small fee (not to exceed $6) for handling and materials.
I do not warrant that this program is free from defects, that
it will do what this document says it will do, or that it does
anything at all. I will not be liable be any damages of any
kind resulting from any use of this free program. By using the
program, you agree to this.
Turbo Lightning is a trademark of Borland International, Inc.
Christopher J. Dunford
The Cove Software Group
10057-2 Windstream Drive
Columbia, MD 21044
(301) 992-9371
CompuServe 76703,2002